Did you know there was such a thing as the Congaree National Park? It's true, and we spent a few hours there today. The park itself is located outside of Columbia, South Carolina. A GPS is recommended for getting to the park, because it's basically a big swampy area and it's out in the middle of the boondocks, just like you would expect.
At the park, we took about a two mile stroll on along a boardwalk that gets you into the swamp, but not up to your ankles and knees. I couldn't keep from marveling at the number if 2X6's and 4X4's that must have been consumed to build this boardwalk. Another amazing thing is that a large portion of the walk is built ~8 feet above the ground to accommodate for rising waters. It must have been some project to build the thing.

The swamp scenery is also quite a sight. Although we didn't see any gators, we did see a few local creatures (including a dreaded mosquito) that I was able to capture. Along the way, Claire was also able to complete the requirements to become an official Junior Ranger.

On the way to Charleston, we drove some back roads and pulled over at one of the numerous cotton fields to sample the fibers. Perhaps we will make some sweet tee-shirts for the frogs out of the few cotton balls we picked. They probably wouldn't get it...

Tomorrow we go back to the Civil War with visits to Fort Sumter and other sights around